Outdoor Extras

There are many outdoor rooms and spaces other than a kitchen and we have not forgotten those areas. Every family has an idea of what is best for them and their available space. With this in mind, we have put together an array of additional products for the DYI or those working with contractors or dealers to help them accomplish their dream outdoor area.

Here is our current selection. Please check back often as we are always looking for additional outdoor products to add that will bring value and beauty to your backyard.

  • Kamado Kady/Kradles
  • Mailboxes/Lampposts & Post Bases
  • Pergolas & Pavilions
  • Custom Structures

Call us at 704-960-4530 for assistance or if you have questions.

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Sheryl is a great vendor partner that truly puts the customer first. Not only does she endeavor to give the customer what they want but is always willing to go the extra mile to add value to the project. She has a uncanny ability to listen and hear what was not said, as well as what was, and design a solution better than requested. Her attention to detail and her integrity make her the best of the best.
~ Ken Warren, Asheville, NC

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Enjoy your summer to the fullest!

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