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Safety Tips for Your Fire Pit

If you’ve been waiting for cooler weather and love to spend time outside entertaining and enjoying the weather, a fire pit may be just what you need.

Your Fire Pit

When choosing your fire pit, you want to choose something that works for your needs. This includes size, depth, design, and more.
Factors to consider:

  • Wind—If you live in a high-wind area, you probably need to choose a fire pit that is on the ground instead of raised, and it should have a deeper “pit” in order to be unaffected by the wind.
  • Location—Your fire pit should be installed on a flat surface and never directly onto the grass. Stone or patio surfaces are ideal, and you should avoid putting the fire pit under a porch, carport, or trees.
  • Size—Even if you regularly entertain a large crowd, keeping a large fire in a large fire pit can be a recipe for disaster. A fire pit should be no larger than the size of a manageable fire.
  • Insurance and Codes—Before making your purchase you should check with your homeowners insurance provider. They may have detailed requirements for fire pit use on the property.
  • Likewise, your city or county may have certain requirements for fire pits in residential areas. These things are very important to follow in order to protect yourself and your investment.

One you choose your fire pit, decide where it will go to perfect your outdoor space, and check with your city government and insurance provider, it’s time for the fun.



Make sure you have a certified contractor to do your installation. A professional will pay attention to the smallest details that will enhance your fireside experience and keep you and your guests safe. You will also want to seek out a NFI certified chimney and fireplace technician to install any fireplace. This protects you in two ways: these techs know what they are doing and guarantee their work, and many of the manufactures warranties are void if you do not use a certified technician to install the appliance. You can visit the NFI website or CSIA to find a certified tech near you.


Final Tips

  1.  Check for burn bans and wind advisories. A quick change in wind can quickly turn a party or casual gathering into a disaster. Likewise, burn bans are in affect for a reason. If a burn ban is in affect, there is high probability that the smallest spark from your fire will cause a wildfire.
  2. Clear the area of flammable debris. You might do this when you install your fire pit, but it should be done regularly. Be sure to clear away debris EVERY TIME you light your fire pit. Where fire is involved you’re better safe than sorry.
  3. Do not use flammable fuels like gasoline or lighter fluid. Instead use a commercial fire starter log designed to start a steady flame.
  4. Never leave your fire pit unattended. Also, children should not be left alone while a fire is lit.
  5. Burn proper wood. You shouldn’t burn treated (manufactured) wood in your fire pit. Also, burning soft wood, leaves, and trash is also a common cause of wildfire because the light material sparks out of the fire easily.

To learn more about fire pits and fire safety click here.

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Safety around the Fire Pit


A fire pit is an excellent addition to your outdoors. Just make sure you know the basics in fire pit safety so that there won't be any accidents.

A fire pit is an excellent addition to your outdoors. Just make sure you know the basics in fire pit safety so that there won’t be any accidents.

Fire pits have become increasingly popular in recent years—they’re the #1 requested backyard design feature according to the American Society of Landscape Architects—and the trend shows no signs of losing steam. The warmth and joy that radiates from the open fire can make parties, intimate gatherings, and simple marshmallow roasts the most sought-after and enjoyable activities of the spring, summer, and autumn months. However, fire pits are wrought with dangers, and to ensure everyone’s safety, there are important safety tips every fire pit owner should know.

Fire Pit Basics

As with any situation involving fire, there are many safety measures homeowners can take to ensure that you and yours remain safe. The following safety protocols are a good jumping off point:

  • Always keep a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Keep a first aid kit on hand for any accidental burns.
  • Don’t light a fire in windy conditions. One stray spark can cause a large fire in no time.
  • Don’t light a fire if a fire warning has been issued in your area.
  • Don’t allow children to light or play near the fire. Closely supervise children at all times around your fire pit.
  • Always use seasoned wood and kindling to light your fire. Avoid using soft woods (e.g., pine or cedar) because they can pop and throw sparks. Do NOT use accelerants (e.g., gasoline, lighter fluid, or alcohol) or trash to light a fire.
  • Put out the fire completely before leaving the pit unattended or before going inside for the evening. Even the smallest fire can become a large fire quickly; as such, embers should be completely extinguished.
  • Safely dispose of all ashes.

Fire Pit Positioning

You should set up your fire pit in an area that is well away (at least 10 feet) from adjacent walls or building overhangs. You’ll also want to make sure the area is free of combustible materials and on a noncombustible surface. Move all outdoor furniture at least 3 feet away from the fire pit as well. Keep an eye out for low-hanging branches and drooping power lines overhead, and place the pit well clear of them.

Fire pits are very popular, but you need to keep fire pit safety in mind when using one. The tips listed in this blog will help you get the most out of your enjoyable outdoor addition and reduce the likelihood of injury and/or damage to your property. The professionals at IBD Outdoor Rooms are ever ready to meet and exceed your expectations. Give us a call (704-960-4530) or contact us via our website to see how we can assist you with all of your outdoor living projects.