Thinking of a Garden Fireplace

If you dream of having an outdoor fireplace but don’t have enough space, opt for a garden fireplace instead.
Outdoor fireplaces can be grand, elaborate focal points of patios, decks, and outdoor rooms; however, if you do not have the space for a large fireplace in your backyard, you may want to consider a garden fireplace. Smaller designs to fit in small spaces, garden fireplaces can still provide a relaxing entertainment and meditation area for your family and friends without taking up a lot of room. At IBD Outdoor Rooms, we carry gas, biofuel, and gel fuel units in a variety of shapes and sizes. Our garden fireplace kits come in unfinished and finished, including a granitech finish. As with all outdoor fireplaces and landscaping projects, several things must be considered in the design process according to the Landscaping Network website, and we would like to share what you need to think about when planning for a garden fireplace.
● local codes
For safety reasons, you must contact your city planning office to find out the zoning regulations for an outdoor fireplace. These regulations include how far away your garden fireplace must be from any existing structures and how tall the chimney should be in relation to those structures. Building permits, fire codes, and residential ordinances may also apply. You do not want to face any expensive fines, so it is essential to know the laws concerning outdoor fireplaces in your community.
● privacy
As your garden fireplace is meant to be a personal retreat for you, your family, and your friends, privacy should be considered when you are deciding where to build your garden fireplace. One idea is to place your fireplace with its back facing your neighbor’s yard to act as a privacy screen if you do not have a privacy fence. You may want to think about even building a stone wall or enclosure to ensure a secluded area for your garden fireplace.
● wind direction
Another thing to consider when planning where to build your garden fireplace, the wind direction can have a huge effect on how well your fireplace will work. Placing your garden fireplace where it will act as a wind break creates a calm and comfortable space to relax and fully enjoy your outdoor flame.
● fuel type
IBD Outdoor Rooms offers three different fuel options for a garden fireplace: gas, biofuel (ethanol), and gel fuel. Familiarize yourself with the benefits and disadvantages of each kind of fuel to select which type is the best for your garden fireplace.
● seating
Patio furniture can be a great choice for seating around your garden fireplace because it can be moved around so people can sit as close or as far away from the flame as they want. When selecting patio seating, consider comfort and safety. A conversation set with deep-seated chairs and a love seat or small sofa is a popular choice; just be sure the seating is comfortable and not made of metal. Metal patio furniture can be very dangerous as it conducts heat and may burn you, your family, or your guests. Another seating option is to build in seating or seat walls. Made from concrete, stone, or brick, these seats can be either bench style or have backs. You may want to add pillows or custom cushioning to make your built-in seating more comfortable.
If you are considering a garden fireplace, contact IBD Outdoor Rooms today to talk with our experienced staff about planning your new backyard oasis.